Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy

Month: December 2024

Ithra Announces Winner of the 50,000 SAR Award at the Red Sea International Film Festival

The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) announces emerging Saudi filmmaker Jamal Kutbi as the winner of its 50,000 SAR award at the 4th Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF). This prestigious grant recognizes outstanding creativity and innovation in Saudi short films, supporting homegrown talent by funding the winner’s project development and production. The award was announced at the Red Sea Souk Awards ceremony on December 11, 2024, part of the Festival’s closing events in Jeddah’s UNESCO World Heritage site Al-Balad district.The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) announces emerging Saudi filmmaker Jamal Kutbi as the winner of its 50,000 SAR award at the 4th Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF). This prestigious grant recognizes outstanding creativity and innovation in Saudi short films, supporting homegrown talent by funding the winner’s project development and production. The award was announced at the Red Sea Souk Awards ceremony on December 11, 2024, part of the Festival’s closing events in Jeddah’s UNESCO World Heritage site Al-Balad district.

The Triumph of World Opera: Aida Garifullina Performed for the First Time in Kazakhstan

В минувшие выходные культурная жизнь Алматы ознаменовалась событием, которое уже называют одним из главных в этом году: на сцене Almaty Theatre с триумфом дебютировала звезда мировой оперы Аида Гарифуллина. Её концерт стал не только долгожданным подарком для казахстанских поклонников, но и настоящим праздником музыки.

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