Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy

Arte Lusso Team

art saudi arabia Diriyah Arts Futures centre

Global Opportunities for Young Artists: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture Opens Applications for ‘Emerging New Media Artists’ Educational Programme

The Saudi Ministry of Culture has announced a call for applications for its ‘Emerging New Media Artists’ Programme, set to take place at the soon-to-open Diriyah Arts Futures center. The programme, which is targeted at emerging creatives from within the region and beyond, provides emerging artists with access to cutting-edge professional equipment, a production budget, and a wide range of multidisciplinary learning opportunities, including personal mentorship from prominent international digital artists.

Quentin Desmit art exhibition dubai

Journey through “Fantasia” by UAE-Based Belgian Artist Quentin Desmit

Transport yourself to a world where Reality and Fantasy merge in the latest collection by Quentin Desmit, a multi-faceted Belgian artist based in the UAE. Aptly titled “Fantasia,” this collection carefully curated by Astrid Lesuisse, features over twenty-two pieces of art, available for private viewings at the artist’s studio for a limited time until November 29th, 2023.

luxury jewellery exhibition GemGeneve

GemGenève Cultural Programme November 2023

Following on from the three previous exhibitions at GemGenève (Fabulous Carl Fabergé, Micromosaics through the ages and Automatons and Music) GemGenève’s organisers are keen to promote jewellery heritage alongside all the related Métiers d’art, offering institutions, firms and discerning collectors a more prominent place as part of the exhibition’s cultural programme.

culture almaty spider-man meloman

Presentation of the New Game Spider-Man 2 at Meloman

Компания “Sony PlayStation” и сеть магазинов “Меломан” создали в Алматы невероятное событие, которое навсегда запечатлеется в памяти геймеров и техноблогеров. Это закрытое мероприятие было посвящено презентации новой игры “Человек-Паук 2”, и оно стало настоящим праздником для всех, кто является поклонником игр и виртуальной реальности.

culture almaty ballet globe

Ballet Globe in Almaty

В минувшие выходные в Алматы состоялось грандиозное событие- Международный фестиваль современного танца Ballet Globe, который собрал на большой сцене Almaty Theatre самых талантливых хореографов и танцоров со всего мира, которые продемонстрировали зрителю свои собственные произведения. Отметим, что Алматы стал культурной и туристической столицей Шанхайской организации сотрудничества на 2023-2024 годы.

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