Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy


Ithra’s Flagship Cultural Days Program Honors Japan’s Cultural Heritage from January 23 – February 8, 2025

The King Abdulaziz Centre for World Culture (Ithra)’s Cultural Days program launches the Japan Cultural Days, an entertaining and enriching celebration of Japanese cultural heritage. From January 23 – February 8, 2025, visitors can enjoy world-class performing arts, explore exhibitions spotlighting Japanese heritage, engage in culinary experiences, join hands-on craft, cuisine, culture and language workshops and attend insightful dialogue sessions on literature and culture.

Ithra Announces Winner of the 50,000 SAR Award at the Red Sea International Film Festival

The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) announces emerging Saudi filmmaker Jamal Kutbi as the winner of its 50,000 SAR award at the 4th Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF). This prestigious grant recognizes outstanding creativity and innovation in Saudi short films, supporting homegrown talent by funding the winner’s project development and production. The award was announced at the Red Sea Souk Awards ceremony on December 11, 2024, part of the Festival’s closing events in Jeddah’s UNESCO World Heritage site Al-Balad district.The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) announces emerging Saudi filmmaker Jamal Kutbi as the winner of its 50,000 SAR award at the 4th Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF). This prestigious grant recognizes outstanding creativity and innovation in Saudi short films, supporting homegrown talent by funding the winner’s project development and production. The award was announced at the Red Sea Souk Awards ceremony on December 11, 2024, part of the Festival’s closing events in Jeddah’s UNESCO World Heritage site Al-Balad district.

The Triumph of World Opera: Aida Garifullina Performed for the First Time in Kazakhstan

В минувшие выходные культурная жизнь Алматы ознаменовалась событием, которое уже называют одним из главных в этом году: на сцене Almaty Theatre с триумфом дебютировала звезда мировой оперы Аида Гарифуллина. Её концерт стал не только долгожданным подарком для казахстанских поклонников, но и настоящим праздником музыки.

The Children’s Ballet “The Snow Queen” Was Presented to the Almaty Audience

Государственный академический театр танца РК в предверии новогодних праздников представил алматинскому зрителю балет “Снежная Королева”. Зимняя сказка ожила на сцене Almaty Theatre благодаря изящной хореографии ведущих солистов балетной труппы “Молодой балет Алма-Аты”.

The State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan Presented a Gala Concert with a New Year’s Program to the Almaty Audience!

В преддверии новогодних праздников Государственный академический театр танца Республики Казахстан подготовил для алматинцев и гостей культурной столицы специальную программу, в которой были представлены сцены из шедевров классического балета!

New Year’s Performances Will Be Presented by the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Almaty Audience!

В преддверии новогодних праздников Государственный академический театр танца Республики Казахстан приглашает жителей и гостей Алматы на волшебное балетное представление!

Ithra Announces Major Islamic Crafts Exhibition Program in Conjunction with the Launch of the Second Edition of the Islamic Art Conference

The King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) opens an extensive exhibition program dedicated to Islamic craftsmanship. Coinciding with the start of Ithra’s second edition of the Islamic Art Conference (November 24–30), the major multi-exhibition launch will feature three main exhibitions and eight supporting showcases, filling all of Ithra’s exhibition spaces in a celebration of the rich heritage and contemporary interpretations of Islamic craft. Visitors will experience diverse artistry, from ceramics, pottery, and textiles to woodworking, carving, metalwork, and innovative contemporary pieces.

The State Academic Dance Theatre of the RK Presented the Premiere of the Ballet “Aksak Kulan” to the Almaty Viewers

Государственный академический театр танца Республики Казахстан представил алматинской публике долгожданную премьеру балета «Аксак Кулан». Постановка, основанная на древней казахской легенде о судьбе Джучи, сына Чингисхана, прошла с грандиозным успехом и стала ярким событием в культурной жизни города.

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