Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy

The State Academic Dance Theatre of the RK Presented the Premiere of the Ballet “Aksak Kulan” to the Almaty Viewers

Государственный академический театр танца Республики Казахстан представил алматинской публике долгожданную премьеру балета «Аксак Кулан». Постановка, основанная на древней казахской легенде о судьбе Джучи, сына Чингисхана, прошла с грандиозным успехом и стала ярким событием в культурной жизни города.

Publishers at Al Ain Book Festival 2024: Technology Supports Publishing Industry and Creates a New Generation of Readers

Publishers participating in the Al Ain Book Festival 2024, organised by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), asserted the importance of leveraging modern technology to support the publishing industry, highlighting the need to invest in the next generation of writers to deliver high-quality content that keeps pace with the rapid developments of the modern era.

British Council Celebrates 90 Years of Impact Globally and Highlights Research on the Future of English Language Education in MENA

As the British Council celebrates 90 years of engagement globally, it continues its role as a leader in language education, cultural exchange, and research. This milestone is marked through The Future of English: Global Perspectives, a key publication from the British Council’s ongoing research into the role of English across the world.

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