Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy


Fernando Botero colombian art artist

Celebrating the Life and Legacy

It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we announce the passing of Fernando Botero, a beloved Colombian painter and sculptor, who left this world on September 15. Fernando’s illustrious and influential career spanned over eight decades, captivating the world with his unique style, evocative subjects, and unwavering dedication to art.

art basel artist Phoebe Cummings Arcual Zurich Art Weekend

Arcual Showcases the New Digital Dossier Feature at Art Basel with Commissioned Sculptural Artwork

Arcual will unveil its latest feature, which opens up new possibilities for artists, galleries, and collectors to connect with an artwork throughout its lifecycle. The Digital Dossier feature will be launched ahead of Arcual’s participation in Zurich Art Weekend and Art Basel in Basel, continuing its commitment to placing artists at the centre of the art ecosystem. This new feature will be brought to life through the commission of a unique sculptural artwork by British artist Phoebe Cummings, for their booth in the Collectors Lounge of Art Basel.

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