British Artist Nat Bowen: From the World’s First “Artwork” at London Fashion Week to Her New Home in Dubai
British Artist, Nat Bowen, makes Dubai her new home and is expected to announce her first fashion show in the region soon.
Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy
British Artist, Nat Bowen, makes Dubai her new home and is expected to announce her first fashion show in the region soon.
Fast Fashion is an unsustainable method of producing inexpensive clothes that makes a huge negative impact on our planet. Read our article to find out how to fight Fast in Fashion and if there is a silver lining.
“Fashion is a way to express ourselves. Not only our creativity, but also our values. That is why it is important for me to dress sustainably and stylish.” says Araceli who recently started Goshopia, an online platform for sustainable fashion […]