Javlon Umarbekov is the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan, an active member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic, a full member of the Academy of Arts of Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine, and a Professor of the National Institute of Arts and Design named after K. Behzad, the legendary founder of the Herat miniature school.

In Umarbekov’s work, we see history through the actions of its protagonists: the people who lived during the times he depicts. The artist shows us their fate through the wonder of his creations, and humanity’s place within that creation. His paintings are about life – the soul’s eternal life – about joys and sorrows, hopes and despair and, of course, about love. Each of his pieces is a parable conveying his deep, philosophical message. His work is a testament to his craftsmanship, his outstanding skill as an artist, and also bears witness to his lively, imaginative ideas, which come to life through his subjects, real people, and his native land. Through the images of his Muse, we see the truth of his times and people. Uzbekistan is proud of Umarbekov’s heritage. Imbued with the timeless values of truth, beauty, goodness and wisdom, his work is proof that art can never be either old or new. True art is always eternal, and forever young – just as the artist is.
The exhibition is presented with the support of the gallery’s partners – StoneTree Group and VTargets, a young and dynamic company, which specializes in strategic marketing and customer service with a focus on business development, effective sales and right collaborations and offers start-up, medium, and large brands unique ideas and a successful plan based on the strongest combination of resources, analysis, experience and knowledge.

About Andakulova Gallery
Andakulova Gallery, Dubai, is an art gallery whose objective is to promote Central Asia’s contemporary visual arts. It serves as a platform to exhibit and support emerging to mid-market contemporary artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan (or the ‘Stans’), across a variety of media. Founded by Natalya Andakulova, also among gallery goals is to cultivate a dialogue between Central Asia and the Middle East by re-introducing the art of the ‘Stans’ to the artistic hub of Dubai. The gallery does this by building academic and professional relationships between artists, writers, art specialists and collectors.
For more information vizit https://www.instagram.com/andakulovagallery/.