Meet the Artist: Rashid Rana
Arte & Lusso team talks to Rashid Rana about his exhibition It Lies Beyond at Volte Art Projects
Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy
Arte & Lusso team talks to Rashid Rana about his exhibition It Lies Beyond at Volte Art Projects
For her debut solo exhibition, Translucent Threads of Life, at Firetti Contemporary, Yousra Wahba celebrates nature, identity, and the resilience of women. The exhibition unveils the beauty found in life’s unconventional and wild aspects, embracing the unique allure that emerges from such unorthodox […]
Dubai-initiated NFT and web3-centric start-up Caffeine And Women or CAW Movement adds another feather in its cap with the upcoming launch of MoCA (Museum of CAW Art) in the metaverse to honor emerging artists in UAE, GCC and other countries. […]
The Cusp of Midnight and Color When: December 5-10, 2023 Where: SCOPE 2023 What: Contemporary abstract artist Melissa Herrington will be back in Miami for SCOPE this year with her Los-Angeles based gallery, M HERRINGTON GALLERY. The gallery returns to Scope Miami Beach […]
In celebration of the UAE National Day, this year, the global technology brand HONOR, has joined forces with Hamdan International Photography Award (HIPA) for a captivating photography contest
Артисты Государственного академического театра танца РК представят балет“Снежная Королева” и посетят с гастролями г. Усть-Каменогорск
На форуме Colisium Central Asia 2023 в Алмате обсудят перспективы развития музыкальной индустрии
Volte Art Projects presented a solo exhibition of Rashid Rana, one of the most prominent artists in South Asia today with his immersive work It Lies Beyond and his monumental sculpture Desperately Seeking Paradise. A seminal and relevant exhibition which […]
«Creative Central Asia – 2023» прошел в Аламты и собрал на одной площадке ведущих экспертов Центральной Азии и стран СНГ. В минувшие выходные в г. Алматы прошел второй Международный форум креативных индустрий Центральной Азии. «Creative Central Asia – 2023» длился три дня и собрал на одной площадке свыше 100 отечественных и […]
Алматинская осень богата на культурные события и Государственный академический театр танца Республики Казахстан так же порадовал своего зрителя долгожданной премьерой балетной постановки “Легенда о Тюльпане”. На большой сцене Almaty Theatre балетная труппа и ведущие солисты Театра Танца Булата Аюханова рассказали языком танца историю о человеческих взаимоотношениях […]