The vibrant city of Tangier pulsated to the rhythm of fashion from May 30 to June 1 during the inaugural edition of Tangier Fashion Week. Held under the patronage of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture, this exceptional event brought together a dazzling array of talented designers from Morocco and around the globe, with the renowned fashion house Vivienne Westwood gracing the opening night with a spectacular runway show.

Vivienne Westwood Sets the Stage with Iconic Designs

The opening soirée was marked by a breathtaking fashion presentation by Vivienne Westwood, a fashion icon and pioneer of sustainable fashion. Ten iconic dresses from the British designer were showcased alongside avant-garde and eco-responsible creations by talented Moroccan couturiers. A bold and refined blend that captivated the audience.

A Showcase of Exceptional Moroccan Design Talent

Tangier Fashion Week served as a platform to unveil the richness and diversity of Moroccan creativity. From traditional caftans revisited with a modern twist to innovative and daring designs, the collections showcased highlighted the exceptional craftsmanship of Moroccan artisans.

A Global Platform for Moroccan Fashion

With the participation of designers from Paris, Ashgabat, Nazareth, Nablus, and Italy, Tangier Fashion Week firmly established itself as an international platform for Moroccan fashion. An ideal springboard for young Moroccan talents seeking to make their mark on the global stage.

Behind the Event: The Silk Road and Al Andalus Association

The organization of Tangier Fashion Week is attributed to the Silk Road and Al Andalus Association. For two decades, this association has been working to promote intercultural dialogue and foster the development of creative industries. Tangier Fashion Week aligns perfectly with this mission, contributing to the valorization of Moroccan cultural heritage and the promotion of Tangier as a must-visit destination for fashion enthusiasts.

A Promising Success for the Future

This first edition of Tangier Fashion Week was a resounding success, both in terms of the quality of the designs presented and the turnout of the public. An event that has successfully brought to light the dynamism and creativity of the Moroccan fashion scene. One can already predict that Tangier Fashion Week will become an unmissable event for fashion professionals and style aficionados worldwide.