Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy

Dalloul Art Foundation Presents Hope in an Age of Dystopia, a New Exhibition of Contemporary Arab Art

From May to 15 August, 2024, the Dalloul Art Foundation in Beirut is presenting a selection of sixty-six artworks from the foundation’s recent acquisitions in the exhibition titled Hope in an Age of Dystopia. The works in this exhibition converse with each other as they explore the dystopian realities of our current world, while asking us to imagine a different future.

Per Speculum. The Group Show Curated by Domenico Quaranta for Fondazione Spazio Vitale

Saturday, May 25th marks the reopening of Fondazione Spazio Vitale. On that occasion, the renovated venue in Via San Vitale 5 will host the opening of Per Speculum. Intelligence and its Double, the group exhi-bition curated by Domenico Quaranta, investigating the anxieties raised by artificial intelligence. Featured artists include Émilie Brout & Maxime Marion; Silvia Dal Dosso; Caroline Delieutraz; Daniel Felstead & Jenn Leung; Sanela Jahić; Kamilia Kard; Lorem; Jonas Lund; Jon Rafman; Anna Ridler. The exhibition will run until June 29th.

Art Jameel and the V&A Announce Shortlisted Projects for the 7th Edition of the Jameel Prize

Art Jameel and the V&A announce the shortlisted projects for the 7th edition of the Jameel Prize, the V&A’s international award for contemporary art and design inspired by Islamic tradition. The triennial competition, founded in 2009 and worth £25,000, focuses this year on moving image and digital media, shortlisting seven finalists from over 300 applicants.

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