Art Paris is the leading spring event for modern and contemporary art. Its return to the Grand Palais in the entirely renovated Nave and its balcony spaces means it can play host to some 170 French and international galleries (35 more than in 2024).

Without compromising on its dual regional and cosmopolitan identity and, as ever, a place of artistic discovery in the very heart of Paris, a city that is undergoing a veritable artistic renaissance, Art Paris will be presenting an ambitious programme of the highest quality.

Art Paris – © Marc Domage

Immortal: a focus on figurative painting in France by Amélie Adamo and Numa Hambursin

Amélie Adamo, writer and independent curator, and Numa Hambursin, general director of MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, associate curators of the Immortal exhibition, will further explore their commitment to the French figurative scene with a selection of thirty artists chosen from the exhibiting galleries. The duo will present a new analysis that will take into account the historical context and compare artists from different generations, while highlighting the influence of the painters of the past on younger artists who have emerged since the beginning of the 2000s.

Out of bounds by Simon Lamunière

Through a selection of works by some twenty international artists chosen from the exhibiting galleries, Simon Lamunière, independent exhibition curator will be exploring contemporary creation seen through a prism of multiethnicity and the hybridisation of forms and cultures and address questions such as origins, gender, kinship, history and geography.

Promises: the sector for young galleries and emerging artists increases in size

New for the 2025 edition, the Promises sector for young galleries created less than ten years ago is taking up residence on the balconies around the central nave at the Grand Palais. The space will play host to more than twenty galleries (compared tojust 9 in 2024). Also new this year, Marc Donnadieu, Art Paris selection committee member and an independent exhibition curator, will be in charge of the curation for the Promises sector.

Marc Donnadieu © Mathilda Olmi

The second edition of the BNP Paribas Private Bank Prize in support of the French art scene

In 2024, Art Paris joined forces with BNP Paribas Private Bank to launch the BNP Paribas Private Bank Prize. A focus on the French scene to reinforce its support of the French art scene. The prize, worth €40,000, will be awarded to an artist living and working in France from among those selected by guest curators Amélie Adamo and Numa Hambursin as part of Immortal: a focus on French figurative painting.

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