Arte & Lusso

Online Magazine on Art, Fashion and Luxury Lifestyle in UAE and Italy


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Thé À La Mode: Turtle Tea by Idriss B

Innovative dining experience to launch at Jumeirah Al Naseem’s Al Mandhar Lounge in partnership
with French/Tunisian artist Idriss B. So much more than an afternoon tea, ‘Turtle Tea by Idriss B’ to
highlight the importance of marine conservation and officially launch the toll free 800TURTLE number
to encourage the community to call if they find a distressed or injured sea turtle.

Nick Genry's artwork

Sustainability in Art

The main idea of sustainable art is to raise public awareness towards environmental, political and social issues through works of art. Sustainable artists seek to optimize the use of natural resources to reduce the environmental footprint of their work as well as encourage society to become more conscious of their impact on the environment and future of our planet.

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