Idriss B is the artist behind The Art Collection, which exclusively featured colorful polygonal animals. The artist has taken the UAE art scene by storm with his talent, and many of his sculptures can be seen all around the city with his particular origami/polygon style.

The Arte&Lusso team had the pleasure of interviewing him once again and going in depth about NFTs, investing in art, and his future projects.
What would you say the biggest inspiration for your art is?
Everyday life and emotions in general, I try to visualize and make it into a movement sculpture of an animal.

How would you describe your development as an artist?
It came from different paths, it started when I was very young with drawing tons of Disney’s classic especially Aladdin and Lion King.
Then it transitioned to a professional way, where I found a possibility to mix the artistic and work side, first, thanks to my job, but also to see techniques, materials, finishes etc. After having it secured and pretty well developed, I do think that I came back to a more artistic side and completely embracing it strongly.

Does this new technological era impact the decisions that you make as an artist? (perhaps with your creative process etc.)
Yes, it changed a lot of things, at the beginning I used to work the same way as the artists hundreds of years before me, making first a sculpture from clay, then adjust, making a mould on top of it etc.
Right now thanks to the new technology, there is first a sketch, then a 3D render, then 3D printing, and then adjusting with clay to have it perfect before moulding it. That changed the way of doing, the allocation of time, but also the ability and knowledge of how to make it happen, more skills involved but faster process.
What can you tell us about NFT’s? What is your experience with it?
It is a good idea, but it might have been too early to execute. Most people still don’t understand what it is, and at moment it is mostly just speculation. On the other hand, I do believe it is what the future will be at least for a big part as we are going more and more to a numeric and digital lifestyle.

What are your feelings towards this new chapter of art?
To be totally honest, it is not perfect but it is always a good experience, because it showed me exactly how it works. In order to be a success, the most import thing for an NFT is to get good communication.
What is the best advice you can give someone looking to invest in NFT’s?
What is most important is who you partner with, that’s the only thing that matters. Some not so nice and meaningless NFT were sold at insane pricing, while great content was not even bought because nobody knew about them.
What is your opinion on art as an investment?
It is very interesting and it is something that most of people don’t think of.
Of course it depends on who the artist is, the vision behind the work, what stage they are etc. But it is a great source of investment. Personally, I have limited and low pricing pieces. The rarity and low price makes it in the future, a great combination for higher value pieces.

Do you have new projects coming up? Is there anything inspiring you at the moment?
Yes, the United States! I am actually currently finalizing the venue for this summer in New York and Miami very soon, early September.
Right now I am trying to work on something that nobody has done before in the UAE and could be a great feedback to my adopted country!

To read Arte&Lusso’s previous interview with the artist visit: and to follow Idriss B on instagram: @idrissbcom