From April 23rd to 30th of 2021 art lovers will be able to enjoy the exhibition by Akiko Nakayama: ‘Alive Painting’ curated by Alejandra Rodríguez Cunchillos at the MIAANYWHERE Virtual Museum of MIA ART COLLECTION.
Passion of a woman:
Of deep roots,
Wild violet.
The existing barriers between the different artistic disciplines have been diluted in recent times. To this fact, we must add the irruption of technology and other sciences that cross synergies with the different proposals of artists and allow us to delve into other types of experiences. This is how the performances of the Japanese artist Akiko Nakayama came about ‘Alive Painting’.

Generally, the painting has been presented in a solid and dry physical state, but could we find it alive? As if it were a living being in which we would witness its metamorphosis? This transformation is what Akiko Nakayama’s work raises for us.

Furthermore, if we take into account that, in Shintoism (animist religion originating in Japan), soul and conscience are given to different elements, we can understand the reason for this intention.
Thus, from a meticulous work, as if it were a laboratory researcher, the different materials that are merging and other external factors such as: wind, sound, humidity, gravity or time… shape these abstract images, which are presented as a metaphor for various aspects of nature. By using colors, fluidity, resonance between shapes and different textures, she tries to celebrate the beauty of life and its ephemeral character.
Also, the artist Akiko Nakayama, in the same way that she exposes the haiku (type of Japanese poem) with which the text began, overturns her passion and purest vision of nature, of life and its feelings in her works. This haiku was written by one of the most famous authors of this poetic genre, Chiyo (Kaga, Japan, 1703-1775). We can see how centuries later, art continues to be a vehicle of communication to manifest femininity, delicacy, but also the strength of a woman, like that of a wild violet.

Exhibition curator
Alejandra Rodríguez Cunchillos
Akiko Nakayama (Tokyo, 1988), lives in Tokyo. In recent years, she has gained a place internationally through her performances known as ‘Alive painting’. Among the numerous shows we can highlight: New ARS ELECTRONICA (2019) Austria Linz, TEDxHaneda (2015) Tokyo, DLECTRICITY ART FESTIVAL (2017) USA Detroit, LAB30 Media Art Festival (2018) Augsburg, TECHNARTE Art and Technorogy (2019) Bilbao Spain or MUTEK Montreal 2019-2021. She has also been one of the artists present at the exhibition ‘Sense of Women’ held at ME DUBAI in 2021 organized by MIA ART COLLECTION.
Artist’s website:

The work of artist Akiko Nakayama (Tokyo, 1998) represents the beauty of life and its transience. The use of science and technology allows us to experience in first person the metamorphosis of painting, as if it were a living being, a metaphor of various aspects of nature. This exhibition invites us to let ourselves be carried away by the color and its energy and to dream about the different shapes that are suggesting their images.