With a prodigious attention to drawing as the basis of his practice, Basil’s compositions are constructed from exaggerated flat planes infused with heightened details of textiles, anatomical elements such as bruises, body hair and facial features, alongside various thematic objects. Predominantly focussing on self portraiture within various iterations of the domestic space, his compositions regularly include objects such as mirrors, water, glasses, mobile phones; all of which hold both literal and figurative connotations of reflections both of our physical selves and our perceived identity. There is a vulnerability within this, as Basil’s portrayal of his figures conveys a heightened sense of exposure, devoid of flattery and in an almost exaggerated unidealistic manner.

Photography by kunst-dokumentation.com, curtesy of COMMUNE
Beyond this, the objects and mis-en-scene depicted in the compositions explore the banality of domestic environments, laptops, computer games, energy drinks and laundry equipment create the antithesis of a mythologized artistic studio context and instead transcend into an at times claustrophobic comment on the attachment to ones environment. For these introspective compositions, Basil oftentimes employs the use of multiple self-portraits into a variety of narrative characters and reflections on the self. The figures often interact with one another creating a dissected depiction of the interior psychology that explores introspection in a layered manner through both its pleasures and isolation.
About Alexander Basil
Alexander Basil (b.1997, Arkhangelsk, Russia) currently lives and works In Berlin. Basil has studied at The Kunstakademie, Düsseldorf and The Academy of Fine Art, Vienna.

Basil’s most recent exhibitions have included: ‘Tidings from the Orbit’ (solo), Galerie Judin, Berlin, 2023; ‘Breaking Flesh’, Commune, Vienna, 2023; ‘RAW’, curated by Daniel Lippitsch, Gallery Vacancy, Shanghai, 2022; Disegni Section (solo), invited by Irina Zucca Alessandrelli, Artissima, Turin, 2022; ‘Drawing Wow 3’, curated by Anna Gille, Philip Loersch & Tim Plamper, Vienna, 2022; ‘The week stretching out in front of you’ (solo), Galerie Kandlhofer, Vienna, 2022; ‘The problem I did not consider’ (solo), Nevven, Gothenburg, 2022; ‘Touch Me: Nudes from the Miettinen Collection’, Kunstraum Potsdam, 2022; ‘Why Can’t We Live Together: Collection Peters-Messer’, Kunstverein Marburg, 2022; ‘Entourage’ (solo), Galerie Robert Grunenberg, Berlin, 2022.
For more information, please visit https://www.commune-gallery.com/.