by Marco Fraschetti
Presenting an intimate window into the soldiers’ psyche, the show captures the profound intricacies of their experiences, interactions, and overarching societal roles, all while employing irony and playful parodies.
The artworks explore themes of violence yet simultaneously captivate viewers with undercurrents of irony, absurdity, and childlike symbolism. These diverse elements meld together, weaving a narrative that spotlights the unpredictable human interaccions.

Soldiers, pivotal to our exploration, personify society s ambivalent stance on violence and order. Revered in numerous cultures as guardians, their roles frequently venture into the absurd and illogical. Here, they are not mere messengers of conflict but represent a broader human tension: the battle between duty and morality order and chaos. Often these soldiers plunge into their roles, unaware of the rule spectrum of challenges ahead, leading to profound psychological ramifications.
A particularly powerful element of the exhibition showcases soldiers inadvertently encroaching upon others’ innocence, resulting in raw tragedy as homes become violated sanctuaries, echoing the soldiers often disturbing acts.
“A Trip to the Museum” draws us into a surreal realm where lite’s enigmas, represented by an infant and an enchanting nude, intertwine with a distant soldier’s sketch, urging contemplation on ire’s cycica noture-enhanced oy an out- or-place telephone and another soldier’s sketch.
“Headlines” pivots to the grim realities of war, portraying civilians captured in the act of conflict, with war’s arbitrary nature taking center stage. Culminating the narrative, “Light Amidst Darkness” captures the resilient spirit of soldiers amid war’s turbulence, where broken spirits find solace alongside hope.

Some artworks inject satirical twists on soldier badges, contrasting solemn military accomplishments with light- hearted daily trials.
In essence, this exhibition beckons for deep reflection on the multifarious roles and impacts of soldiers, underscoring the delicate dance of humanity, conflict, and resilience.
Each artwork serves as a gateway, prompting viewers to immerse themselves in the intricate experiences of soldiers and appreciate their profound societal implications. Through this
narrative, we are reminded of the rich tapestry of human experiences, especially against the backdrop of conflict.
About the Artist

Saher Nassar was born in Palestine in 1986. After graduating from the University of Hertfordshire, England, he started a career in illustration and graphic design, working for various renowned media and design institutions in the UAE. It didn’t take long before he changed course and embarked on his practice as an independent artist. His artistic approach to subject matters is fundamentally influenced by contemporary political and social conflicts, where he uses various visual mediums and disciolines to showcase his work.
Nassar has participated in several solo and group exhibitions and was commissioned by various art institutes in UAE. His most recent show at Art Dubai, titled ‘Residue was a comic portrayal of tyranny and the abuse of power represented ov soldiers. a work that reflected an act of childishness amidst exploitation, where che residual innocence of childhood is manifested as a juxtaposition of violence.
Saher’s work is inspired by scenes of real life, his illustration of our time leaves many questions, through his point of view victims and executioners meet and somehow exchange roles. Her works represent, through fine contemporary graphics that look to pop art, a need to denounce the abuses that occupied populations experience on a daily basis. War and the role of soldiers are proposed as unfulfilled illusions by those who think that wearing a uniform can be a working solution without foreseeing the inevitable psychological complications of everything that a soldier often has to face against his will. Who are the victims? in the atrocity of a war of occupation everyone is.
Marco Fraschetti

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