V-Art platform launches Art Spaceship – the very first space art center, where there will be presented 21 international projects that expand the horizons of art. More than 350 projects from 54 countries were received during global #SpaceOpenCall in December 2020 that reached in general over 1.8 million people from all over the world. In January 2021 – 21 project was selected by a jury of leading art and Space experts. These projects, from India and China, Europe, USA and Canada, in diverse digital art genres are raising topics of Space exploration, humanity, new technologies, their interaction, memory, beauty and predictions about the future. The Digital era has transformed the very essence of the way we live, as well as our perception of materiality and space. Art as a reflection of the changes in society gave momentum to a new medium of expression – digital art. Now we are on the verge of a new, space era, where intangible and technological digital art is assonant with the development of humankind. Like the golden disk sent to extraterrestrial civilizations with Voyager in 1977, we will send a new message to the Universe. Ancestors watched the starry sky and created legends, which lived on up to the present. Now we are creating a new symbol of the art of the future – a digital Art Spaceship, that will bring art to new horizons. Its mission is to expand the realms of art and host the biggest digital art exhibition.

• 2MVD: Damjan Minovski & Valerie Messini – Austria. Project: Head in a cloud
• Samer El Sayary – Egypt. Project: The Oasis
• Afroditi Psarra & Audrey Briot – USA / Greece / France. Project: Listening Space
• Vitaly Yankovyi – Ukraine. Project: Transition footprint
• Thomas Herzig – Austria. Project: Marsbug
• Art Clay – Switzerland. Project: Nine! Eight! Seven! And So On…
• R. Gopakumar – India. Project: Ephemeral Void-Space I
• Selen Citron | Luca Lunardi – Italy. Project: Back up my memories
• Milos Peskir – Serbia. Project: Digital Fossil_Corrupt Galatian
• Vadim Epstein – Russia. Project: Terminal Blink
• Ran Zhou – Canada. Project: Doll+: Body Transmigration in its Ideal Fantasy
• Paulius Sliaupa – Lithuania. Project: Little crown
• Chari Glogovac-Smith – the USA. Project: The Afro-Futurist Guide To Time Travel
• Dan Li – China. Project: How to make a Mazar
• Felipe Carrelli – Brazil. Project: Desert Stars
• Alexandra Dementieva – Belgium. Project: Sleeper
• Sandrine Deumier – France. Project: Realness – Intimate Garden
• Bohdan Svyrydov – Ukraine. Project: Red Valley
• Nirit Binyamini Ben-Meir – the UK. Project: Data Fossils
• Alejo Reinoso – Ecuador. Project: Claxo M.
• Priyanka Das Rajkakati – France. Star Cities/Organised Worlds
In the virtual interiors of the spacecraft, projects are distributed in its compartments – Command center, Ephemeral Void Passage, Human Archive, Brain Observation Lab, Wardroom / Hall of Fame. The exhibition will be presented to the public in two formats – web version and app. This project is accompanied by a digital catalog, which will include additional materials from participants: their essays on why they are inspired by new technologies, the future and especially Space. V-ART PLATFORM – Organizers https://v-art.digital/ V-Art – platform to exhibit, sell & collect digital art. We reconcile cultural & commercial value for the digital art world.
Our mission is to provide a fulfilling ecosystem for the global digital art market.
Products and technologies
The V-Art Platform enabled by secure blockchain storage brings:
● Artists the ability to sell and exhibit any digital artworks as well as to digitize physical
bridging the gap between virtual and material;
● An Independent Index of value of every artwork;
● Collectors from all over the globe the capacity to discover and buy digital art;
● Corporates a chance to find useful creative content for their industries;
● Art owners the opportunity to hold online exhibitions and open unique virtual galleries;
● Art admirers the comfort of easily discovering new art every day.
● Everyone is delighted to be a part of an actively growing community united by a love for digital art and creativity.
About TATCHERS Art Management
International PR and Production Partner www.tatchers.art TAtchers’ Art Management focuses on the organization and production of international art projects. We do exhibitions, festivals, educational programs and expeditions in North and South America, Europe and Antarctica. We de- velop long-term communication programs and PR strategies for cultural in- stitutions and brands interested in collaboration with creative industries. A wide network of partners all over the world and intensive experience in cul- tural managements’ field gives us possibility to realize complex projects in any place of the world.

To download the app https://vart.page.link/8Nxn
To explore web version https://v-art.digital/artspaceship
To join #ArtSpaceship Opening on the 5th of May at 8pm Dxb time https://fb.me/e/3yQReApOU