by Marco Fraschetti
The gaze of these women depicted on canvas captivates the viewers, whispering secrets that only the observer can discover. Their eyes, vibrant yet mysterious, convey a range of emotions, reflecting experiences and stories known solely to them.

This metaphorical gaze invites reflection, encouraging viewers to contemplate their own journey and embrace the lessons that lie within.
His art transcends mere depiction, weaving stories and metaphors that invite viewers on an intimate journey. Admiring his brushwork, we embark on an exploration of emotions and experiences, evoking a sense of connection and empathy with the subjects portrayed on the canvas.

MEtamorphosis of Colors by Timur Akhmedov
This solo exhibition is pre ented by Andakulova Gallery Dubai & Legends Art Club. Timur Akhmedov is one of the brightest contemporary artist from Uzbekistan.
The exhibition is hosted by ME Dubai, a space filled with creativity and inspiration, making it the perfect home for the artist’s work. Each exhibition of Timur is a visual journey of the viewer into the world of fantasies, images and dreams.
The artist is known for his color and Its development plays the principal role in his pictures. He creates rich in hues color compositions where the combination of Asian turquoise, warm ochre, and vibrant reds creates.
Timur is also a master form and meaning, which is why his works are interactive. The metaphorical nature of the paintings awakens your imagination, allowing you to independently create the story behind each plot.
Andakulova Gallery

Andakulova Gallery, Dubai, is an art gallery whose objective is to promote Central Asia’s contemporary visual arts. It serves as a platform to exhibit and support emerging to mid-market contemporary artists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan (or the ‘Stans’) across a variety of media.
Founded by Natalya Andakulova, also among gallery goals is to cultivate a dialogue between Central Asia and the Middle East by re-introducing the art of the ‘Stans’ to the artistic hub of Dubai. The gallery does this by building academic and professional relationships between artists, writers, art specialists and collectors.
For more information, please visit